Lesson Four: Describing Stuff

Kaltxì! And welcome to Lesson 4 of Learn Na'vi Grammar The Easy Way.

This time we talk about describing stuff.

Describing with lu

In Na'vi, We describe what something is with lu. In this case, it's like an "=" sign. Some examples:

  1. Eyktan lu txantslusam.
    The leader is wise.
  2. Tsamsiyu txur lu.
    The warrior is strong.

That's pretty much what it looks like to describe something by saying what it is by using lu. But what if you wanted to describe it on the fly while talking about what it's doing or involved in? Check it out:

Describing with a

  1. txantslusama eyktan plltxe.    or    eyktan atxantslusam plltxe.
    The wise leader speaks.
  2. txura tsamsiyu wem.    or    tsamsiyu atxur wem.
    The strong warrior fights.
  3. nga lu taronyu asìltsan.    or    nga lu sìltsana taronyu.
    You are a good hunter.

You probably notice that when describing the stuff on the fly while talking about what it's doing, there there is an -a- attached onto all the blue words that describe the red words. You may also notice that the a is always attached onto the side of the blue word where the red word is, and that the blue word is always exactly next to the red word. This is because of rule. Notice the pattern and follow it.

Above, we talked about describing a person, place, or thing with a single describing word. Now, I'm going to show you how you can do exactly the same thing as above, but instead of describing it with just a single word, describe it with a whole phrase of words. Check it out:

  1. lrrtok si pxìm a tuté oeru sunu.    or    sunu oeru tuté a lrrtok si pxìm.
    The smiles often woman is pleasing/likeable to me.
    --> I like the woman who smiles often.
  2. fpe' ayngal oer a 'upxareti stawm oel.    or    oel stawm 'upxaret a ayngal fpe' oer.
    I hear the message you send to me.

In this case, there's a purple word. The purple word is the one doing the action in green to the red word. "I hear the message" is the main skeleton of that sentence.

  1. ke yom tsnganit a tute lu po.    or    po lu tute a ke yom tsnganit.    or    po lu ke yom tsnganit a tute.
    He is a doesn't eat meat person
    --> He is a vegetarian.

So in all these above cases, the thing in blue is next to and describing the thing in red, and there is an a between them pointing from the blue thing to the red.

Nìvingkap (by the way, it just occured to me), I totally encourage all readers to ask questions and practice these things in the comments below.

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'Ivong Na'vi!